
Here you will find posts offering the environmental version of ‘what would you do.” There are no right, nor wrong answers of course--we just hope to challenge your perspective and encourage discussion on related scenarios that will test your ethical nature. Please feel free to add one of your own nature-related situations! We would love to join in the discussion :)

Now, what would you do...

Sep 22, 2010

Flower Grenades and Seed Bombs

This was seen in my latest Mental Floss magazine’s “Watercooler Ammo” e-mail, an enthusiasitc paragraph about “Flower Grenades.” These cermamic grenades are distributed by a UK company named Suck UK, they are filled with wildflower seeds (in this case buttercups poppies and ryegrass), designed to encourage guerilla gardening in empty lots, sidewalks and municipal scrubland “where nothing can grow.” The idea is to turn urban areas into wilderness.

The company says it will not ship outside of UK. I’m not sure if that is for security purposes (after all these are grenade look-alikes) or for invasive species purposes, or both. Either way, I’m glad they won’t, but it makes me wonder how many U.S. companies will join in this re-visited trend.

Seed-bombing has been around, and these green grenades are designed by artist Tony Minh Nguyen and Snowhome were seemingly born of an earlier project (Bio-Grenade, 2008) which Tony Minh Nguyen describes:

"Paradox of construction-destruction ran this idea. Instead of the grenade form leaving a detrimental impact it disperses life. Designers are ultimately the ones that determine how products respond to our environment. With this responsibility comes the careful consideration of what materials one should use to reduce a product’s impact. There is no better time then now to start thinking about tomorrow. For the paper pulp I recycled blank newsprint discarded from Savannah Morning News. The wildflower seeds used are native to 48 states not including Hawaii and Alaska."

It's a great concept, I love his message. Maybe (big maybe!) I can get behind the idea of using species native to most all states, but the reality is it doesn’t take into consideration the vast environmental niches within each state and variety of ecosystems found throughout any environment. I love the thought behind the message and even its intent—hey, how about extemely localized seed-banks offering a community day where we could go seed bomb crazy in the empty lots around town—on a non windy day, with good public education on the importance of native species and the controversy regarding invasives? But don’t sell them! Fact is, they will travel. And the point is, many of our native wildflowers species that grow in our little patch of desert are so localized, they are not found anywhere else…not in other states, nor other parts of California, and not even in other deserts split by a shared mountain range!

I have a big problem with these, the idea of one being thrown out of car windows by “well-meaning” visitors who see nothing but a barren desert landscape makes me cringe to the core. It's like people "setting their pets free." The human variable. What one sees as barren and lifeless, another has learned about the 100’s of hidden plant species, alive and thriving in a delicately balanced desert ecosystem. We battle invasive plants out here like crazy, the non-native species adversely affecting natural water sources (stealing this precious resource at a rate that true plant natives can not adapt quickly enough to recover), choking out perennial and annual natives, and taking over entire sections of protected land, with seasonal armies of volunteers just trying to keep up with these human introduced intruders.

These flower grenades are warfare, but not with the kind intentions that they were probably meant to be. Unfortunately, even with so-called native species in the mix, they are short-sided "beautification" impulses leading to long-term battles.

Image: Suck UK.com

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